Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Day After

Obama wins and all the hard work of both candidates comes to a close. All was quiet today in my town, remnants of elections signs still about, but everyone back to work and their lives. Now wondering how our new president elect will take hold of his new office and how long before we can see some changes. We are anxious for him to do well to give us our great country back. His messages of hope and optimism is a special gift and will be what is needed to head our country back in the right direction and keep us on track. For it will be a long and hard road for our new president and no matter who you voted for, now is the time to get behind our leader and give him our support to join him in hope and a positive outlook for our future. We are America and through tough times we succeed and we can do it again. Even McCain had the most uplifting and positive concession speech and he with a positive outlook encouraged everyone to come together and get behind our new president and to be hopeful and positive in working towards the right direction to keep American strong and as Great as ever. YES WE CAN! Here is to the work ahead in a unified and hopeful strong America. YES WE CAN!