Saturday, July 16, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Mom

Today is my mom's birthday she is 71 today and I am baking a cake and then me and my sisters will be going over to her house to celebrate with a cookout.  It will be a great time.

Monday, July 04, 2011

A Day for a Parade

I went to a parade today , Rossville Illinois old fashioned 4th of July Parade, took lots of photos and had a great time!  I will be posting photos of the parade on my Rossville Illinois blog sometime this week.

Go to Rossville Illinois Blog to see all the photos

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Just A Few Kind Words

I hope you are sharing your kindness, it really is easy and a smile and a small kindness goes such a long way in a world so quick to judge and hate and rush through their lives without thought or care to the people they pass about their way on each and every day.  Just one smile, one kind word, one kind deed to give a little bit of joy and make someone's day a little brighter.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Ledge

I just watched a movie clip of "The Ledge" that stars Liv Tyler, I would watch the film just because she is in it but the movie is a thriller with a twist that includes the debate between a Christian and an Atheist. I am sure this film will cause much controversy or chatter at least in the realm of religion. I will go see it mostly because it is a thriller. It seems the film will intend to provoke many different emotions that a viewer might relate to such as love, lust, guilt, remorse, and anger. Even raise questions about their own spirituality. I guess I will have to just watch it see what I really think of the film but the trailer has enticed me. Then again I watch lots of movies this is just one more.

Here is the free full-length movie of "The Ledge"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Video Tutorial on How to Start Blogging on

I was recently asked about blogging so I decided to just blog it.  To show you by showing you a youtube video that just shows you.

Here you go Rick...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Venis Project The Vision of Jacque Fresco

I was surfing through the movies in my netflix account yesterday looking for something a little different to watch. I watch a lot of movies.  But anyway came across this documentary of sorts titled "Future By Design"  I thought the film was remarkable but more remarkable was the man Jacque Fresco that has the vision of a world  for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture.  To build a brand new world from the ground up. To do away with our monetary system altogether.  The man is quite interesting to listen to.  He suggest that we can live without war, crime, poverty and truly become a civilized society.

There are lots of videos on now just search out Jacque Fresco.  He was interviewed by Larry King back in 1974 wish I could of seen that interview in full but I am only seeing clips of it from the movie an on youtube.  Here is the preview of the movie I watched.

Here is a clip of his interview with Larry King in 1974...

He has a website and has tours of his place in Florida of "The Venus Project"  the website itself is very interesting.  He has lots to share about his vision and hopes that you will take part.  Here is a video from his website.

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Imagining a World Without Money

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cicadas back in the Midwest after 13 years underground.

The last I remember even seeing a cicada was when I was a child and my grandmother pointed them out to me.  They were all over one of the trees in her yard, I was so afraid of them.  They just gave me the creeps.  Of course I have never been much of a bug lover but just something about the critters that only show up only every 13 years well you just don't see them much and the unknown to a child is a little scary I guess.  Anyway came across the CBS News article that made me remember that, you can read about them on the CBS site with the link below.  Should I say welcome back Cicadas?

Cicadas emerge again after 13 years underground - CBS News