Friday, December 21, 2007

First Day On The Blog

Hi my name is Tenna and I am not much of a writer but I do enjoy sharing web space with so many talented people. I love the things the net has to offer in the way of learning and sharing and providing never ending opportunities to experience so much. It really hit home with me when Thomas L. Friedman made the statement on a talk show one day about the world being flat (hence his book "The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century") as he expressed that with the internet we are all able to plug n play on a level playing field. Now I know there is so much more to what he has to say than just this and I have not read his book yet but it is on my list. I should also state that I am not educated in politics or economics and would not even begin to pretend I know, but what I do know is that I thought it was the greatest thing I had heard in my life time. This is one of the things that gave me direction to globalizing my individuality.

If you want to know a little more about that I suggest you watch this video clip . It will help you understand a little about what I do as well. “My bathrobe is Grey” by the way.


I enjoy very much talking about places or ideas or events. I am a very positive person with a upbeat and positive outlook on life and well everything. Some of the things that I enjoy are Movies, I watch a great deal of movies, very little TV. Although I do like some reality TV such as Survivor and Big Brother but it is not a have to be in front of the TV kind of thing for me, after all you can watch it on the net too. But I did really get into the series "Heroes" this year. So if you could have a super power what would it be? Me I like Claire, a good heart the ability to heal and to heal others.

Then I also read allot, but mostly on the internet between working, learning and exploring. One great site I found that I love is Wowio. I spend allot of time on the computer working, researching, learning and just surfing.

When I do leave my house (usually in the spring summer and fall, dont expect to see much of me anywhere but home in the winter.) I like to go to state parks or be near the water or on the water. I love boats! I would like to travel more in the future, another thing on my list of things to do someday.

Well that pretty much is my introduction and my first blog here.

My blogging is at will, I never have a set schedule to write or blog, I just do it when I feel like it I suppose and the topics can vary widely. May be cookies one day and gadgets the next.

Thanks for taking a look at my blog and feel free to say hi to me anytime.

See you Soonly, (ok not a real word but its my word :)

Have A Great Day!


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